Tuesday, February 14, 2006

O levels

mdm marlinah said to malay students of 3/4 & 3/5 about O Levels today.
i can't believe i'm taking O Levels next year.

& i'm still slacking away in class.
can somebody wake me up ? ? ?

i made my choice to go poly.
i want biomedical !
but somehow, i have the feeling to go JC.

zulaiha, wake upppp.
i will be paying more attention to thse subjects :
- EMATHS !!! [even i dislike it, i still have to try my best !]
- PHYSICS !!! [ the lessons are boring, but i haf to pay attention]
- ENG! [ my eng is so bad. buck up zulaiha]
- Geog elct [ i need to pass it !]
- ss [ i dislike doing bout the history]

zulaiha no sleeping in geog elect class plssssss.
i need MP3 to study.
any kind soul wanna buy for me ?
naaahhh, i ask daddy buy 4 me.

thanks cikgu marlinah for making me realise that next year im taking O Levels.
i just have to suffer these 2 years.
then pooof im freeee.

nisha : geog elect test is not equal to AMINAH KASI.


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