Tuesday, February 14, 2006

valentine's day

i reach to school quite late. but so what ?
i came to school with Sheilah the nonya.
she walk like a drunkard siah.
i brought 2 bags FULL OF CHOCOLATES!
can you believe it ?
when i walk the 3rd floor,
well, 3/1, all the peeps were doing HWS!
3/2, had gift-exchanging
3/3, a lot of peeps talking.
3/4, most peo CHIONG do ss hws
3/5, almost empty.
i came to class, then took out chocolates and gave to Nicco & the gang.
Nicco was wierd.
then distribute them to all my friends.
i received a lot of chocolates too.
its soooo YUMMYLICIOUS.yes yes yes.
Lee Shen received a bouquet of wonderful flowers.
thats soo sweet.
raymond's gift to his gf was soooooooo EXTREMELY nice !
especially the flowers.
nisha was shocked when i wanna give her the chocolates.
she thinks im giving it to my valentine.

the lessons today were GREAT.
i ate chocolates in every lesson. =P
Mr Eugene Chua didnt come today.
so it was a relief for the whole class.
talking with jannah & syafiq was fun.

after school, got English remedial
its sooooo boring.
i can't pay attention.
me & jannah wasted 15 mins in the toilet.wasting time.

band celebrating valentine's day.
actually its not that lame after all.
me,joanne & ikhsan went to collect the pizza
ogosh, 8 boxes of pizza!
seafood pizza not nice !
i went walking from canteen to band room while carrying 4boxes of pizza.

i went home early today. didnt watch the softball match.
when i reach home, i kept eating chocolates !
atiqah got date siah.
she didnt date me.usually valentine's day,she date me.
but nah,this year she had her own date.

tomorrow i hope the B division soccer boys win the victorians.
gud luck boys if not the chocolates will be MINE!

happy valentine's day people.
happy chocolate day people.


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