Thursday, February 02, 2006

the CNY concert & the buddy reading.

time flies very fast & its already the 2nd month of the year.ogosh
for today, i reach school superbly late. 4 mins before marching music.
i did'nt study for D&T test.Shit,im dead.
for PCCG with Ms Michelle Tan, laughter filled up the classroom.

we missed almost 1 period of D&T today.yeah-ness.
Mr Kuah forgotten that he had lessons.
we did'nt remind him about the test.heng-ness.
he totally forgotten.
D&T theory was damn boring. almost slept in class.

Physics was extremely boring.
EMATHS rocks today.
English was Normal.
well, My 1000-word essay will be pin up at the class noticeboard.

Then CNY concert was totally ok.
well, other schools celebrated it like long ago already.
i find Guzheng Esemble played extremely nice.
Malay Dancers dance nice too.
D&D simply rocks.even the song was like long ago but they dance nice.
its like ballet + some other dance.SO NICE !!
well, did'nt managed to watch the FULL concert because had to go to Yuneng Pri for reading buddy.

Yuneng Pri School is WAY WAY WAY WAY better than BGSS.
its like only primary school & they have a lift in thier school.
& thier library is way bigger than BGSS library.
I had to teach SARINAH & EDDY for buddy reading.
they were sooooooo cute.
they were so shy & i can hardly hear them.
well, Sarinah read well.
Eddy had some troubles.
i saw others finished reading the book except my grp.
i had to ask them whether they know to read the word or not a lot of time.
i said to them " ok, see you next week ok? "
Eddy was like " ok!, bye bye."
Sarinah was like " ok kakak, bye bye."
so sweet man the two of them.

they are so cute but very shy.


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