Monday, January 30, 2006

The JB Trip

yesterday went to JB with family. YEAH-NESS
Well, we usually took the S'pore-JB express
but now we took the bus 168 to WOodlands, then took 950 to checkpoint & to JB.
in bus 168, saw Dinizulaikha. She's so preety.
aniways, the woodlands checkpoint was preety empty.HENG-NESS
But at the JB checkpoint, the queue was damn LONG.NO HENG-NESS

We managed to get out of the crowded checkpoint within 1/2 hour.
then we ate at KOMTAR there.
imagine having LUNCH at 4.15pm ! that was superb hungry.
i ate nasi paprik. YUMMYLICIOUS.
bought tickets for the movie.
damn packed man.

5.10pm, suppose the movie should started by then.BUT GUESS WHERE WERE WE ?
we were still outside, waiting for cinema 1 to open & let us sit.
we watch LANGKHONG[thai movie], its a ghost movie lah.
quite scary.
the movie is M18.
HAHA, i got the chance to watch M18 MOVIE.
HAHA. our seat was 3rd from below.
ogosh, we had to tilt our heads upwards n sideways to watch the movie.

didnt buy much stuff though except magazines.
reach home at around 10.30pm.
i can say that the JB trip was an enjoyable one.


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