Friday, January 27, 2006

deaf again

some idiots from Sec 1 or Sec 2 tried to do parkour in school.
stupid, & its at 4th level, near the parade square.
4th level is wayyyyy dangerous. you fall & your dead.
& if you were to parkour outside, i can understand.
IN SCHOOL? giler siah.
& this guy wore a cap, boooooo. sucks.
my school didnt have half-day. DAMN IT !
we did Card-Making for the 1st period.
wooo, no social studies. yeahhhhh.

chemistry, didnt finish my section B. managed to escape.
Malay was ok today.
PE was fun fun fun.i can;t believe netball is actually a fun game.
Afina became Goal Shooter.
& i became the Goal Attacker.
we kept passing the ball.

D&T, we went workshop.
Mr Kuah was late.
Nicco, Syafiq, Muhammad & me were like gossiping.
haha. ended up laughing all the time.
the machines we used today were like super LOUD.
i'm deaf again siah.
Actually, Mr Kuah is a very nice teacher.
But his english is like "HAIYOH"
& his shouts, ogosh, i can be deaf again.

Jannah topple my pizza !
i ended up eating just the bread !
& sheilah somehow threw the onion on the pizza at me !


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