Tuesday, November 01, 2005

* NYAA CAMP =) *

28th OCTOBER 2005

i reach home by 1.45pm. do some finish-up packing. n my bag was super BIG !
then i didnt bring me hp. haish.
then went to the nearest petrol store n buy 2 bottles of mineral water.
then took bus & meet afina. Afina's bg was super BIg.BIGGER than mine.

we walk2 to the canteen n there were a lot of people.
then me & nurul walk past these grp of instructors, n one of them was like "HELLO !" i was usper shocked m wave back to him.

then we got our grps. n i was in grp 4 !

GRP 4 : Afina,Germaine, Christina, Cynthia, Nisha, Iris, Joan, ME, Dean & Howard & Shariffa

we took the bus the bus to the changi ferry.
then took the boat there. sitting down makes me seasick.so i went up the steps n stood up with the rest. n i wasnt seasick n it was super windy. haha.

then when we reach, we had to walk all the way to the meeting point.it was a long way when there is a short way syeh. then we get to noe tat our instructor's name is EDMUND !

then we had to walk to the camp site. it was super FAR ! so me & nisha cant hold any longer that we break our fast. then continue walking, finally we reach.

then the girl's camp site is much further than the boys.
then we pitch the tent.n then , Joan,jaslin,me,edna & jasmine were in the same tent.

then we report back, n we had tis map teaching.
Edmund teach us how to read the map n compass n a lot more. then after that, WE HAD OUR DINNER !

then i was squating near tis hut, then dean say theres a lizard fall right on my shoe.

then we cook instant noodles n we had fruit cocktail.
so nice.
then i dunno for what reasons,howard started laughing so Nisha started laughing too n it makes me laugh.

lastly, we went to wash our utensils.

then we had our NIGHT WALK !
we report, then tis instructor, he was super funny . he will like dance after he talk.
then tis instructor,his name is elf, also quite funny.

then our journey starts
firstly,we received the clues n we had to find the exact place.
when we all found those, we set off.
the walk was scary. it was all DARK.

we managed to find the 1st place super fast. then go all here n there.so tiring.

then we had to find this hut, so we walk n walk, until we saw this dead end.
afina look back on the map n found out tat there wasnt any dead end !

so we walk back. me & afina was scared liao.
then we walk back to the exact place n found tat it was A PRETEND DEAD END coz a fallen tree cover it up.

so we walk n walk. thenw e had to find this hut which is called PUNAI HUT.
shariffa found this dirt track, n it was scary loh.
dangling branches n branches on the ground. n no one ever walk there.

so we walk n walk, SCARY !
we finally reach the main road. n edmund ask us to do our cheer.
"we will win the war x 3, whooooshhhhh !"

we were onli there n it was scary.
we walk n walk n finish all the checkpoints.

then edmund ask us " so u guys want to HOMERUN?"

thenw e agree n run.
of course sum time we stop.

otw there we switch off our torchlight for 5 sec.
then afina was scared n turn it on, good thing she did that.

then we sang "everywhere we go" song.
great teamwork man.
edmund shows us some of the way n gave us clues.

he rocks ! yeah yeah.
when we reach our campsite. wooohoooo.so happy,more than happy actually.
then we did our cheer !

then we went back to our tents. n me,mimi,afina & shariffa went to wash up.
haha,nisha loves to do the "AH?" sound that tis instructor heard her n then started to disturb her everytime nisha did tat.


then after wash up, we wnet back to our tents, n i was alone in the tent tat i ask mimi,they all to join me.

then we recalled back all the nightwalk. n we were told tat, at the pretend dead end there, there was a graveyard !
omg scary !!!!!!! me & afina also saw those "things"
gosh scary.

then i went to sleep.



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