Wednesday, October 12, 2005

*that bloody tootie toot maths paper*

wello was maths paper 1 & 2.

well,i was super panic.i get out of the house kind of early today.i took out me notes n study while goin to sch.i was shaking me head while studying & people kept looking at me.

then i walk2 reach sch hall.den i check back,i didnt bring me protractor n curved ruler!
so i went down to e bookshop n bought them.

then marching music starts,den saw huda n went down wit them.
huda's arm was fractured i guess.pity her.
get well soon!
then suppose to sing the national's anthem but i head was full of formulae

then go back hall.den i wanted to memerise more but it didnt came into my i hit me head wit the notebook really HARD!

i didnt care but its for me own good.
then reach hall.exam paper was given out.

then when doin,wowowo paper 1 well,it was ok.

but i forgot how to do CUBE ROOT N INDEX NOTATION!

then mostly i skip ques.but at least i did quite most.

then break,didnt went to the canteen,just stay at the hall.

paper 2 was next.
n it was a total disaster!
the front question wowowowo easy.
then the next few pages,quite diff,
then the last few pages,DIFFICULT!

except the graph arh
well,i did not do quite a number of ques.
n i will sure fail paper 2.

after the paper 2,me hair was in a mess.

left wit 1 day!
i cant take A Maths. so y not PURE SCIENCE?

orite zulaiha.better do ur best for the science.

if i cant get in PURE GEOG class, y not PURE SCIENCE?

wokey dokey.bye3


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