Saturday, October 15, 2005

*exams are totally over!*

well.exams are OVER!
im super duper happy!
well,last thursday got science n art exams
well,the science was ok.
i did finisha it rite on time

then break time.wanting to finish my prep work
but then NVM!

then went down to canteen,tot want to take band photo but forgot.
me n atiqah went to toilet.
then saw irwan n sufiyan pat detention nyer place.
entah apelah dioarng buat salah.

then atiqah kate "diorang pakai slippers"

wah lao.padahal the day be4,fuad was caught wearing slippers.
n the next day,they still wore slippers.

haix.dunno wat to say.
then went back to hall.
nisha was so semangat,finishing her ART PREP WORK!
she drew this den colour tat.
so semangat.

then mr chua ask us to go down n queue up.
when we get down,the canteen was crowded wit peo.
then had diffuculties finding sec 2/5!
so queue up wit the 2/1.
then at last min,me n atiqah finally saw 2/5 n join them.

then i remembered to take band photo,ran towards Jianyu
then he say "GO DO UR EXAMS FIRST!"
wah lao.
i would rather be late for tat art exam siah.

then art exam started it was boring.i managed to talk to atiqah.haha
my art simply SUCKS!

lol.then after handing in the art work,the hall was super noisy.
so mr alex chua ask us to stay back still 1.45pm.
so wat?the later the better.
then saw ms ho,den she say "MDM ZEE MARKING"
shes marking?

wokey now gtg.
well,wanna buy pump shoe & new skirt for the bowling trip next tuesday =)
nisha was asking me n ayu buka pat seoul garden.
macam aku banyak duit.
but nvm,hopefully i can save & egt to buka there!

my digital camera with Abang Faizal!
hopefully by MONDAY i can get it back.!

bye3 <3 =)


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