Thursday, October 20, 2005

*my results sucks!* get results backkkk!
damn it!

here's me results:
English 52.5/100 C6
Malay 62/100 B4
Math 37/100 F9
Geog 51/100 C6
Hist 50/100 C6
Lit 34/100 F9
D&T 65/100 B3
Art 61/100 B4
Sci 42/100 E8

failed 3 subjects.hmmmph!
i cant believe i got 61 for ART!
i draw like shit n i got 61!!
My D&T got 65 ! i tot i failed coz i didnt study tat well for it n when i received the paper,SOOO HAPPY!well,planning to take D&T for sec 3.
then i look forward for geog,but then got 51!

looking at my results,
i cant take A Maths
i cant take PURE HISTORY
i cant take PURE GEOGRAPHY
i cant take PURE SCIENCE!

i cant take any of those! i was looking forward for the pure geo but cant.
since pure geo cant,i was looking forward for pure also cant!

im left wit the elective n combined

so here's wat i plan to take :
Eng,Malay,E Maths,POA,combined science (chem/bio),Elective geog,social studies and lastly

nisha was saying tat we will be in seperated gonna miss her laughter & her jokes.
hopefully me & atiqah same class next year!
if not,im totally gonna miss her lots siah!


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