Wednesday, September 21, 2005


heylo.sorry long time never update.finally get to update.
well,ms florence called me house n told mummy about my ca2 results.damn terok,failed 5 freaking now revision2 all the way.

well,today was a great day actually.
ME was changed to science n we had to do science was freaking budget.Mrs tang was like sayin the test was on the laptop n we had to ans it on foolscap!BUDGET!

Then MT, cikgu zetty didnt come n it was simply fun.even though we had to do some work but Malay lessons without cikgu zetty is super fun.FREEDOM is what we get & NO PUNISHMENTS!

Then science period,we had our ME that was boring.then recess,eat2.the same.after that, was ok.we went through Romeo & Juliet.nice arh.

Next,art.boring is all i can say.then Hist, copy the source based ans.den we had our files checked.Mrs Choo will walk down the line to check it but i went straight to her.she was like "I will walk down,but its ok"then she mark n she said "Thank you"haha.she is a great teacher.then geog,we had to do our own revision which is super boring.

Then stay back while ayu,sheilah & jannah had thier oral.hmm.then we went 7-11.blah blah.
then all went home except me,atiqah & huda.
we hear raggae songs n like they saw me dancing n they joined in. n tat was in the toilet.
then we saw,irwan & ahmad go for softball.i was like shocked.super shocked.

then last part,irwan was suppose to bat.and he did very good =)
haha.i was screaming to atiqah n huda,only they both can hear,everytime irwan bat.haha

den they gave me tat blur look.haha.
then went home sweet home.

then mummy n my sis ordered pizza.

then eat3 until full.


i simply love that day =)


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