Saturday, October 08, 2005


hey there
so sorry,long time nvr update.
well,now its puasa time.
haish,during recess nvr went to canteen.
we went to the outside staffroom there,study.
wit atiqah,nisha & hasanah =)

well,at least its much much better than canteen.
on last friday,it was english paper.
hmm.the paper 1 was quite diff.
the newspaper report!
damn it!
the paper 2, the comprehension was diff!

then yesterday,we had our Malay papers!
well, we had it at the hall.
guess wat?
sec 2 seating arrangement was changed with e sec 1s
therefore,we had to sit at the sec 1s place.
idiot siah.
n sec 2/5 is right smack in the middle of the hall.
very hot siah.NO FAN!
if sec 2/5 is at the end of the hall.well, nicer.GOT FAN RIGHT AT ME FACE!

then MR ALEX CHUA is the person talking on the mic.
saying wat time end blah blah!
i hate him!
at least ms tracy chua is way much better!
his R & L like so funny!

well.gtg bye.

wish all of you peopl there,good luck for ur exams =)


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