Monday, August 22, 2005

*what a fucking shit day *

hey, today is so fucking irritating day. except the last part
early in the morning rite, im seating straight infront of the class
so sickening
maths was the first period & rite infront of my face was MR HAFIZ!!
of all other peo
then eng, well, i cant believe i got 21/30 for english newspaper report test!
then, lit, boringgggg
geog, was ok.
hist, mrs choo didnt come.
then pw, it was science test 1st
& sure i fail
then it was pw. haha slack slack

after school. hmmm, ok
then, i saw irwan, its seems like i felt guilty for breaking up wit him.
then went to walk to 7-11. saw ayu. then ayu talk to me

and it was bout irwan sak.
i cant believe it sak. he mintak patch ngan me padahal, he wanted to patch to aina.
if like that why with the patch with me suddenly!
such a playboy !

sickening. THANK YOU! thanks for giving me those fake loving sms.
well, i felt stupid because i was being used.

next me & ayu went to watch THE MAID !
well, it was supppperrrrrrb scary !
me & ayu scream the loudest & the longest !
cool uh.
we kept screaming at each & every scary parts.

then when it was over, saw Jinghui & Rachel, haha. we ponteng band.
it was such a coincidence to meet them & watching the movie at the same time.

i give the rate of THE MAID, 5/5 !
better go watch before its too late.

here's a tip while watching THE MAID :
-better eat your popcorns before you get choke from those scary parts
-must have enough voice to scream
-better bring enough water so you wont get thirsty from those screaming

haha. lastly,
"When someone calls your name, don't LOOK back !" , from the story , THE MAID

haha. kiez i gtg.



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