Monday, January 09, 2006

After recess was funnnn

oklah, i had nothing better to do so update loh.
what happen today?
well, EARLY in the morning. i decided to walk to school since its still early.
so reaching the 7-11 there, i didnt saw ANY BGSS students.
so feeling a little scared that i will be late.
i didnt get ANY LATE FORM ok.

finally reaching school, saw a lot of bgss students, so i sadi to myself "phewww, IM NOT LATE"
well, this time round i had to use the BLOCK E staircase coz its nearer to my class.

ATIQAH haven't arrive yet.
when Atiqah came, we wet toilet den marching music already, thought must go down, BUT PAISEH didnt have to.

HAD FREE PERIOD in the morning.
1 hour in the canteen.well, kena go dentist.gagaga
Then i had ELECT GEOG which is superb BORING.
had to go 3/2 class. when i step into the class, heard lots of "HI ZOO"
sat with farisya(sp?). i nearly slept in geog elect class.

Then Emaths, didnt understand.
recess, went to see hasanah first.
sat in the toilet nearly the whole recess time.
I READ HASANAH'S ESSAY BOUT me,her n atiqah.

after recess, 2 periods of MALAY.
then CHEMISTRY <3. atiqah was like, " you n your chemistry!"
then, while the others had remedial, i was bored to death at the canteen.
3/4 dun haf remedial,nxt week den haf.
something happen which I LIKE A LOT.
right atiqah,hasanah? hehe.


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