Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Family Jalan Raye

its been a very long time since i updated. hmmm.
well, last sunday my family & me cuzzins all went for a jalan raye.
we rented the bus.
well, at first, nothing much lah.
me & wahidah sat next to each other. =)
but at first,we didnt talk much.

the first house, we took quite a long time.
hmmmmm !

well, then at night like that, things started to be better !

anywhere, its me & wahidah, *CLICKS,CLICKS* here & there
then the grp sitting behind have the riddles challenge.
and we had diff types of riddles.
then we talk bout this & that.
then at the last house at 11pm.
me & wahidah again, *CLICKS,CLICKS *

then when going home, all of us went to sleep *zZzZZZz*
was too tired lah.

here are some of the shots :

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Me & wahidah

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Was too tired so we took a short nap !

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EI, wahidah, look at the camera !

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me & wahidah AGAIN !


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