Thursday, August 11, 2005

* *

today i just wanna blog about e the band!
well, i went to band late with yanchong n afina. .
superrr late.
when we enter, nearly all was saying "Went to get FAKE MC !"
i knew it was nigel who told !
den we just act blur..
then fixed instruments
then warm-up
after that peo ask me for the dreamcatcher original score !

wahhh super stressed!
but finally i go it.
i know hows the work of a librarian
weee =)

then it was break time
and we ate ice-cream!!!!!!

den, ms prema walk past n like the animal fwens was like noisy2 . .

then shermaine was shouting "EH!!!PREMA!!!!!!!!"
thanks to shermaine
we got scolded !
to me, it was not a scolding, we were like goin to laugh! !
then went back to band,
and it was time for sectionals
then nigel go and shout "WE GOT SCOLDED JUST NOW !"
and the whole band was like laughing !

it was fun !
i <3 the animal friends

and the memoriable part is

sher screaming "EH!!!!PREMA!!!!!!!"


well, i have to do my hws !

bye bye


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