Monday, August 08, 2005


hey, today was the national day celebration and it was totally boring ! !
i came to school very late. i didnt wanna arrive in school or get up from my bed .
i just wanna lay in my bed and just die.
i have regrets
regrets of knowing new friends !
regrets of being wit him again
regrets of going to this fucking shit school !
regrets of not passing my exams !
regrets of not studying !

as i reach school, saw hamiza so went in with her .
then, i rush in the 2/5 line. .
and the normal things started. .

then, atiqah n huda came like 8am. . super late. .
hahas, wish i could follow her
then go watch national day concert . .
it was superrrrb boring .
except the taufik part and the band part .

then go back class, do bull shit stuff
then, end of school . .
then we didnt get to celebrate her bifdae .
so sorry

huda, im so sorry .


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