Friday, November 25, 2005

*wooohoo, 3/4 here i comeee!*

hello. well, guess wat ? i got into 3/4 !!!!

here my subject combination :
E Math
Geog elect + Social Studies

weeeee! although i have only 6 subjects but i got chemistry baby !!
i thought they will call us so i waited & waited.
then evening,they say get results at school.
so i get ready,meet ayu & sheilah to go school
then i check,i get into 3/4!
i was soooo happy siahh.

but the sad part is, Atiqah will not be in the same class as me .
so sad syeh.
the 1st time i called her, she was like not happy.
ya, i was quite sad too, coz besties not in e same class.

but, we will meet each other during MALAY & RECESS & AFTER SCHOOL!

ok i got to go. BYE!

zulaiha.retard + atiqah.insane = best friends forever.
i will never forget that gurl.


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