Friday, August 05, 2005

*a normal day*

hey there . .
today, what happen ya? well,its kindda normal lah. . .
well, today i reach school at 7.10am like that. . break the record
usually came 6.45am like that . .
when i was walking in the back gate, saw irwan .. hahas. .great timing!
then went to class, talk to them go 2/2 classroom . .
huda n ayu came late . .so walk wit them to the parade square . .

ayu was so paiseh, she tot i was talking about adam but den i talk about irwan syeh ..
after that, reading period, ms florence seems to be angry with chek meng. .

den maths, hmmm oklah. . .
i can say mr hafiz change siah. . he now 2-faced person. .

then science, hm m m..ok. .now i love her lessons a little. .

malay, super boring . .i read the vandalism on the table. .
so i also vandalise. .
so nice siahh

after that english. . i ate cupcorn in class! !
yummy! !

then i had to stay back for the damn history thingy . .
i didnt bring tat stupid paper den must re-do . .
well, mrs choo very nice person but wen shes angry . .

after that i went to band . .
got photo-taking . .
so nice . . . the formal was nice. .
and the funshot was super duper fun ! !
i love it . .the animal friends are all infront . .
the animal friends UNITED!

after that change back, then go see other cca take pic . .
nice arh . .soccer pose soo the sux. .

ok, i have to go . .


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