Tuesday, August 02, 2005

the sec 3 class

today, hmm wat can i say . .

just 1 word, STRESSED !
early in the morning rite, it was the damn stupid science test!
well, i remembere the part on how the rainbow was formed i tink! !woohoo!
hurray for zulaiha ! wat if wrong ans arh? die ! !

den malay, normal lah . .
and ya, great news siah! cikgu says tat shes not coming on thursday!
woohoo ! ! peace! ! G-R-E-A-T !!!
hahas 2 period sum more ! !
love it ! !

Literature was super bored to death

well, tis term, art seems fun . .

SUPERB!well, im lovin it = )

history, ok ok lah . .but den boring also . .

today rite, my class took class pic . .
tis year, im standing not seating ! !
then the fun shot. .
very fun ! ! i love my crazyyyy class ! !

then today we got our classes for nxt year by using mid-year results

and i got into 3/4!!!!!!!
sooo happy + sad . .
well, im happy coz i didnt get into NA . .thank god. .
but i was sad coz i wanna go 3/3 . .
well, have to strive hard for 3/3 ! ! !

or maybe 3/2! !

study hard woiks <3


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