Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Happy 15th Birthday to me

Happy 15th Birthday To Me

finally turned 15 !
i went to school as per normal.
called rusydiah & found out they were at canteen so met them there.
walked to them, atiqah gave me the presents.
it was from atiqah,rusydiah,hasanah & nurul.
thanks babes.
it was so nice that i, jumped n screamed.
went to queue for flag raising & a lot of peeps wished me happy birthday.
thankies !

went up to class, sakinah gave me her's n zakiah's presents.
awwwwww, thanks.
then ayu gave me present too.
thanks AYU !
& soon a lot of people in my class wished me happy birthday,
awwww thanks people.
received a HUG from Jinghui !
awwww, she is just veryyyy sweeet.

emaths paper 2.
it was acceptable but i didnt finished it. bleahhhhhhhs
after that, went to canteen.
then was bored, went to TM.
then go atiqah's house.
hahaha. very funnny seh.

went home at 2 plus.
i didnt get SABO-ED today. yeahhhhh.
irwan didnt sabo me as i told him A LOT OF TIMES not to sabo me.
& he agreed not to sabo me.
here are the presents & snapshots :

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the presents. the black bag is from atiqah,rusydiah,hasanah & nurul. the pink bag is from ayu.
both look same but niceeeeeeeeee.

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while at atiqah's house.

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newwww meeeeeee.

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the birthday present that huda, jannah,sheilah, hazwan & farhanah gave me.
its soooo niceeeeeeee.

i love today.
most of my presents have something to do with butterflies.
& atiqah told me bout the plan she did when she & others wanted to buy my present.
haha, i ended up laughing like an idiot at TM !
haha. love all of you

D&T paper i'm left.
& soon i'm off to KL.


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