Saturday, April 22, 2006

2.4km run is a torture

2.4km run for yesterday.
i hate it. i didnt even COMPLETE it.
Mr Benjamin Tan asked me to stop when i was going to my LAST round.

Shafiq told me that i was slow.
FUCK lah, i just feel like slapping his face.
yes im slow but cant you motivate me or something?
at least farshad & some of the others did motivate us.

at my 6th round, feel like vomiting.
when mr tan stopped me, sat down for a while.
then RUSH to the toilet & vomit.
went out, the boys already started running.
went back to sit, a while later, RUSH to the toilet AGAIN.
vomit AGAIN.
RAYMOND came in 1ST.
shafiq was ok.his timing was 12.49
quite fast uh.

recess time.
met atiqah & rusydiah at the painting.
& feel like vomiting again.
& yes, RUSH to the toilet again.
Hasanah & Nurul came.
went in the toilet again.
changed back to sch uni.
went to canteen & i didnt feel like eating.
i saw the rice,horfun & bread, feel like vomiting.
was FORCED to eat by has,nurul,rusy & eka.
Hasanah forced me to eat, & i breakdown.
i told eka help me buy bread just to try to eat.
went back to the painting, tried eating.
tried swallow the hotdog but didnt manage,
rushed to the toilet, all came out. bell rang, felt like fainting.
went to technology rm for D&T. before that rush to toilet.

in total vomited like 7 times.
after school went to buy some sour plums.
it was my drug that stopped me from vomiting.

next 2.4km run is after my birthday.
increase the time to past.
a sure 100% decrease in the chance for me to pass.


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