Friday, April 28, 2006

4 down !

long time never blog.
sorry, computer breakdown.
kept shutting down by itself. so fuck.

25th April
Happy birthday to farisya.
& huda, jannah,sheilah,aminah,hazwan & farhana share money buy cake & present for me & farisya

so sweet seh.
its like 2 weeks before my birthday & they celebrate already.
thank you so u guys.
& i got sabo-ed that day. so terok.
go home smell of eggs.

27 april - el paper 1 &2
quite ok.
28th april-malay paper 1 & 2.
quite ok also

freaaaaakkkkk, must really study GEOG ELECT.
shall blog again after exams or after KL TRIP.
good luck to everyone for mid-year exams. =D


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