Friday, April 28, 2006

her regrets & her thank you notes to u people

as i read back all the post in the past.
i did somehow cried.
those ever sweet & bitter memories.
& the stupid mistakes i did.

as i moved on, those memories of us still stuck in my head.
& 100 % thanks to my peeps who helped me all these while.

to hairoon nisha, thank you so much for lending me your ears when i was in trouble & thank you for all the advice you gave me. its very useful.i will always remember your laughter & your singing time & your jokes.all these brings a big smile & gives me joy. everytime i cried, your laughter or jokes makes me happy. i remember the moment you laugh loudly outside SEC 2A classroom. even though we fought lots of times but as time flies, we will still be good friends.
Hairoon Nisha, take care & i really miss your laughter,burps,jokes & your singing.<3 style="font-weight: bold;">to Hasanah, my ever so violent babe. you are the one who showed me the right path. you never fails to give me that WIDE smile of yours as it brightens my day. i sincerely thank you for all of those.

to nurul, my neutral babe. you are the one who helped me when i'm sick. hold my hands as i jump step by step at the staircase when i had a sprained ankle. you had been the cute little girl who will jump to me early in the morning as you scream, "ZOOOLLLLL!" it touches my heart & it brightens my day.

to Rusydiah, my wierdo babe. even though it had only been months i known you, you never fails to make me laugh with your so funny actions & you brightens up my day with you jokes & laughter.

to wahidah, my wonderful cousin. you had been there for me for so long. you even were there when i broke down after broke up with "you know who " in january. you given me a lot of advice & i really thank you for all that. with all the secrets we shared, i enjoyed every part of it.without you in my life, its a sure thing that my life will be empty.

to Huda, my senget dada. she's my best friend & we shared every secrets. whenever i'm feeling down, you will be there for me, comfort me & make me laugh with your expressions. even with the fights we had in the past, we will still be as 1 united buddy. whenever i'm scared, she will lend me her fingers as i crushed them up. i'm really sorry for that. dada, i really love you & thank you for being there for me always <3

to atiqah, my insane partner. she's my best friend too. her insanity brightens up my day & every single funny actions from her makes me laugh. i swear i was once jealous of her having NICE handwriting but she told me that i can improve, so i did. she had been there for me ever since sec 1 with my ups & downs.with all the secrets that we scared, those will be the sweet memories that will stay up in my head. lady insane, as i stare & type this thanks note, i finally realise that there are lots of other good memories of us which i simply can't write.

to Jannah, my crazy babe.i only known you for a year & so much had were there for me when i was scared & my hands were shivering. you were the one who calmed me down everytime i get nervous or scared. you also helped me in my weakest maths lessons,when i didnt understand & you teach me everything. i swear there some things i do dislike about you but i'm sorry for all my wrongdoings. & i thank you for helping me all this while.

to Sheilah, my donna babe. yes, i only known you for a year & i had lots of fun disturbing were such a quiet person when i first known you. as time flies, ur laughter brightens u my day. this year, messing up ur hair was funny. i know you had the revenge for messing u my hair on the sabo day. all those smacking your back was a sure painful as i sincerely apologised. when i heard you burp, it was disgusting but i didnt knew a quiet girl like you an burp loudly.i had lots of fun being frined with you & thank you so much for brightening up my day.

to Hamaiza, my giler didi. as i look back at your pictures, you changed so much. from a tomboy to a beautiful hamaiza. you never fails to call me when i walked past & you show me that big smile of yours. you are the one who never forget to do our handsign. hamaiza loves cookie. noe, its famous amous cookies. you are also the one who will comfort me when i'm feeling low & whenever i see you big smile, you make me smile too.i really thank you for brigtening up my day and being there for me. didi, thank you so much <3

to ayu, my sot dot babe. you were the cute girl who never fails to give me that BIG smile of yours everytime you walk past me. your laughter is unique & sometimes it make laugh too. i still remember, you were there for me when i cried & you comforted me. thank you so much !

to 2E5, my loyal classmates. its been 2 years since i known you guys. we went through good & bad times together as 1 united class. you guys never fails to show your big smile as i enter the class each time. thank you for brightening up my days.

to farisya,hazwan & farhanah.i only know you for a couple of months & yet you guys still bring me your wonderful smiles. every funny action from u guys, makes me laugh & i shall remember them.

to irwan, i really thank you as you changed my life in some ways.whenever i see you, you still give me that funny smile & it really makes me laugh. you will always be the one together with the other friends who will never fails to brighten u my day & i thank you for that.

lastly,to the other people whom i didnt mention. all i can say is you guys will always be in my heart & i apologised for my wrongdoings & thank you for being there for me.

love you guys!


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