Thursday, March 02, 2006

lets skip the lessons.

its been donkey days since i last update.
ok yesterday was the best day, no teachers for the whole day
except for the last period of english.

for today, had D&T.
i passed my D&T tests !

17/22 for chp WOOD test
22/29 for chp METALS test
40/60 for the common test

in total i got 72 so that means A2 for D&T
3 more marks then i can get A1 !!grrrr

but i'm happy for getting A2.
for physics, Mr David Lim didnt come.
so i went to toilet & spent nearly 20 mins in there.

for emaths, it was fun lah.
i understood a little.
for english, we had this NEWS IN CLASS.
Mr Eugene Chua was telling us that we must watch the news.
then got this news about "Child Sex"
everyone was like," quickly leh, later no time"

we manage to watch it lah.
for assembly today, it was about "i not ugly !"
i mean it was funny but it a meaningful one.

i went late for reading thingy.
sherinna was a little sad due to i was late.
eddy kept smiling.
sherinna is such a quiet person.
eddy is naughty but a cute little boy.
i love eddy & sherinna.

three cheers for sweet revenge =P


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