Wednesday, February 22, 2006

they missed me. so sweet.

today, finally i came to school.
my voice like gay siah.
its weird.i can't scream !!!!bullshit.
but nvm, at least i can smack people's back with my D&T Book.
muahahaha. you know how evil i can get ! *winks*

when i step into my class, most of the people shouted,
"Zulaiha !!!!! Welcome back !!!!!!!"
awwwww. i didnt knew that they missed me.=P
everyone kept asking me whether i was ok or not.

for free period, i slept.
Hanif & gang wanted to carry me from the 3rd floor to the canteen.
so sweet but nvm.
i almost fainted when i reached the canteen.
well, i can say Sulaiman was very kind, carried my physics book.
i managed to understand the new chapter on e maths.
its kind of headache but oklah.
i forced myself to eat during recess.
i almost vomitted all out but good thing i didnt.

jannah didnt come, so i sat alone infront.
for physics, yes its superb boring.
sleep in physics class.
english was ok.
journal writting !!!
Mr Eugene Chua was a little weird.
but in overall it was greattttt.

i felt much better after school.
Mr Fahmi was kind today,
he let us pack up & leave school at 6pm sharp.
yes arhhhh !
this is the 1st time he let us go home early.
no more ghost stories from khairul

D&T test + physics test + E MATHS test = complete headache.
Mrs Wang is a cool teacher, i like her.

no sweets for the whole class till next month ya. too bad =P


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