Saturday, March 04, 2006


today, went out with Hamaiza,Jannah & Sheilah.
Huda suppose to go but in the end, she said she cannot come.
well, me & hamaiza meet first as the rest, they came late.
Ham didnt notice me when we meet at the MRT.
she said she didnt know me because i let down my hair.
i wore my specs today.
didnt wear it for dunno how many donkey years the last time i wore those.
so we ate & ate.
Jannah was suppose to come at 2.30pm
but guess wat ?
she came at 3.30pm sharp

then Sheilah was the blur queen.
she didnt know where was EASTPOINT
Jannah gave her the directions.
when she came, she made her own chendol.
i can call it "Sheilah's Chendol" as
it looks so light green with some black-black colour.
she said it tasted more like ice kachang than chendol.

then i ate a lot.
kept bbq-ing all the stuff.
especially the char siew chicken.
to irwan : i have eaten today. inclusive of breakfast,lunch & dinner in one go ! yes arh !
i have the proof ! i can show you the pictures !
then we went to the arcade.
being childish for an hour was fun
we played all those games which were for kids.
the ones which got tickets,then can change for token.

i played the game for drums.
it was extremely cool !
Me, Jannah & Sheilah challenge in the racing game !
i started from 3RD place to 2ND PLACE !
my car bang in Jannah's car.
i didnt manage to get 1st place ! =(

then took MRT go bedok.
We wanted to go Skate Park as it was still early.
but there were lots of mats & minahs so we walk to the bus-stop.
we laughed like hell.

today was a laughing day.
Hamaiza ended up having stomachache.

should i go johore bahru with my family tomorrow?
i want to play bowling + eat kenny rogers.
but then i just didnt have the mood to go.
with those fucking long queue.

i'm saving money for band overseas trip.
but hopefully it will not be cancel.
i want to go perth or sydney.

i miss sitting with you.
hamaiza,sheilah & jannah, you guys make me laugh non-stop.
fucking shit, this post is damn long !
i wanna sqeeze into a nc-16 movie.
how evil i can get ?
very evil.
i shall sit with you some other days.too bad !
Jannah called the waiter," eh meowwww !"
i had a great time laughing with them.
They make me laugh till i was full.
waiter is not a cat.


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