Tuesday, June 28, 2005


well, miss bloging a lot ! never update lyke a lot of times..
ok, firstly i would like to talk about the June holidays.

okies, June holidays i spend my time going out with Ayu , Jannah , Hamaiza and Huda .
Took neoprints with them , so nice .

Next , the wild wild wet trip with Zamira .
it was totally fun . We met at 9.30 am and we like reach there at around 10am .
Than we change and put our stuff at the locker . Then we went to the pool .
Then we took the Ular-lah then the waterworks . Then we took the Samsung slide up .
Mimi can't scream at first , nearly the end , she was screaming .
We took the rides over and over again and we clean up at 4pm and we went out at 5pm .
In total , it was 7 hours of fun in the waters .

Lastly , the chalet 16 - 18 th June 2005
I came on the 16th and it was kind of boring . I went for swimming and it was not that hot .
Then evening till night rest and then continue swimming . Very cooling .
Then the others came and the chalet was quite noisy .

17th June
Woke up in the morning and went straight to the pool . Nice .
Then in the afternoon , was boring . Sleeping !
In the evening , went swimming .
Then the fun started . BBQ !
Then we played games . Cool ! Saw a RAT ! EWWWW ! !
Then at night , wanted to sleep upstairs but FULL BOOKED !
No space . So i followed my parents , aunt , uncle and lil cuzzy and my sis to the hawker centre .
So quiet scary .
When we came back to our chalet , it was quiet . Me, my sis and my lil cuzzy played Shahiba .
Its the same as scrabble but it can be played in Malay .
Know new words . Improve my vocabulary in Malay !

18th June
Well, woke up early and pack our things .
We check out at 9.30am .
Then took taxi went home .

It was so fun .


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