Friday, February 04, 2005

* Dental appoinment , Band *

2day never go skool coz go National Dental Centre 4 e appointment 4 braces...2day is juz e 1st appoinment...Go there den wait lyke a few mins...den go inside 2 see e doctor...den check2...den she tell me dad about the type of braces...den me dad said to her tat i should be in e waiting list....muz wait 4 lyke 3 years....wahhh...sooo long....den she gave me tis brochure about braces and info watever..She also say tat 4 teeth will be taken out...*OUCH*...den finish liao,she said see ya in 3 years time!!

I got into SYF!! i get 2 tuesday was the audition loh...den i very nervous and den GINA test me!!! Well tats not soo bad lah...she test also gud2...I usually play e 2nd clarinet but gina told me n jasmine to help and play e 3rd clarinet...well,firstly i dun lyke...but den i feel happy to get to play wit e band in e SYF!...gina also said tat if i maintain den i get to play but if i deproved den i get changed wit e other clarinet people and be resevered...:'( but i will practice hard!

Well, 1 month had past...soo class very fun tis year...daniel is our class chairman...but he lyke still naughty....den very noisy in class unti got 1 teacher,i tink our science teacher said tat the class chairman very noisy...ahahahx...den afina our monitress...shes fun arh....but still she sumtimes very noisy...she ask soo many questions in math lessons until e whole class lyke say " aiyah, hahahx" evreytiime she ask a also make e whole class more confused....Well me get back to single status...He broke up wit me...but i cant forget him...:'( Everytime see his face lyke i still love him...

gonna get ready 4 sch later at around 1.20pm...go 4 band and math test..bye!!


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