Friday, January 07, 2005


hello again...well school already startded....the Sec 1s tis year are like so short...But the most important thing is tat i cant see my MR Sayang on the first day of school!....i was appointed the special co-ordinator or on the 1st day i had to stay back wit the class commitee with ms lim to decorate the classroom....I was really thinking to see him when i go down to the canteen but i was quite around half an hour or so,my fwen,nisha told me that that she saw My Sayang at the i went down but den "he" went off...i was lyke so sad man....den i went for band but i juz dun have my mood coz i cant see him! In the morning got assembly when sec 2,3 and 4 s came....then when its over,my class was happen to be juz beside "his" class or something....but i nvr saw "him"...den at class,my fwen told me that she saw "him"
hiding behind his fwen..i was infront....what was that??Am i a poison to him??

well, i will dare myself to talk to "him" as soon as possible...
Well me...depressed rite now and kindda feel lyke crying....



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