Wednesday, December 29, 2004

So much had happend these days..

hello...its been some time since i update my sister always use the i dun have the chance do use it and today i can much had happend these days...its was very fun...

20th december
It was band games day...well we only had 4 hours of playing and then it was practice and practice till 6 pm..well it was fun anyway..

21st december
It was Music Exchange...Greenview sec and Clementi Town sec came to my school...well,i hate the people in greenview sec...very step and action...think big!!
Clementi Town sec was so cool..the band major was cool and funny...I like the clememti town sec band!

25th - 26 th december
These 2 days i was at East Coast Park...overnight fun man...When at night,it was fun...
At 9 pm, me,my sis,kak noris,abg faizal and farid went was so fun...Then at site F of bbq the tree,i saw a white thingy fly pass...i was quite scared..but juz keep quiet...Then we came back..i juz forget about it...den we play "heart attack"..Abang Azhar's punch was so painful...then we played Twister..i always got the final 2 man....Then went cycling again at 2 was very quiet...and quite scary..went cycling with the same people but abg Azhar and kak nora...i sat behind abg Azhar...then came back....den Abang Azhar and Encik Ismail told ghost scary man...most of them at bedok and east coast park...
Den we all went to sleep at 3 or 4 am....except our moms and dads...the next day,we woke up at 8 am...den we all jump to the sea..swimming...we swam from 8 until 12 was the best bbq ever...den we all went home...

On the 25th december,me and my boyfriend is 2 Months having relationship!!

She still misses her MR BOYFRIEND....

i got to go...bye!!


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