Thursday, November 09, 2006

Movie date

I LOVE Channing Tatum <3

Step Up was wonderful.
after school,
Me,Jannah,Atiqah,Rusydiah,Hamaiza & Huda went to GV TM.
we smuggled in LJS combo 1 &amp; chicken wrap.
& my ROXY BAG became the victim.
omigosh,it was heavy mind you.

waited for the movies to start.
the cinema was full.
we ate like almost finish, then the movie starts.
like oH SO LONG !

i so LOVE the dance moves lah.
Its so the nice.
with the guy holding you up high.
like so nice seh !

Jannah cried mind you !
the part where the little brother was shot dead.
OH, touchy2 feeling2 eh.
hahahaha !
Channing Tatum is HOT. LOL.


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