Tuesday, October 17, 2006

When Sec 3 Malay people are left at school

i thought that today will be a Boring day as the chinese students are having a heritage tour.
No, its not. it was a HYPER SUPER DUPER great day mind you !

having malay students from 3/1-3/5 all packed in one class.
so, 3/1-3/5 & 3E had to go AVA Room.
we had the QUIZ RAYA.
Funny lah !
it was great to scream, "CIKGU !!!" everytime u finish writing ur answer .
& the laughther & yelling in happiness was extremely nice.
Then we had a "challenge" anyam ketupat.
& in my group, hamaiza volunteered to do.
& in the end, she got praised.
Next was the UJIBAKAT,
nisha,zakkiyah, shaf & fadzlee dared to try.

then 3/1-3/5 went to IT RESOURCE ROOM 1.
we did the poster design.
i was engrossed in doing the poster design, it was fun.
then recess,
me, jannah, Huda, Hamaiza, Atiqah, Rusydiah, Farisya, Hazwan, sheilah & Farhanah sat infornt library & played UNO.
Jannah screamed & we got nagged by cikgu zahrel.
hahaha, it was extremely fun.
10 mins after recess, then we went up.

watched GANYUT.
i brought the vcd.
the story is lame but its damn funny.
the whole class just laugh non-stop, including mdm marlina too.
after the movie ended, it was 12.30pm i think.
me, hazwan, Atiqah,Jannah & Rusydiah just lepak-ed at outside 3/3 class.
THEN sheilah,huda, farhanah & hamaiza came.
we played UNO again.
from 12.30pm-1.30pm, mind you.
A LONG GAME. hahaha.
then, we played heart attack.
HUda screamed, " HEART ATTACKK!!!"
everyone just look at her & sigh.
i said, " den krg tak tarok tangan ??"
THEN, they quickly put thier hands.
INDEED funny.
we stayed there till 2.30pm.
it sounds like tat place is like our house.
HAHA, padahal Sec 4/2 was having lesson.
hahaha !
Pictures :

Fadzlee singing !Zak, nisha, shaf & fadzlee.Hamiza & her well done ketupatthe game of UNO going on, haha illegal gathering.YO, UNO IS GEREKS !

Went home at 2.30pm.
decided to take the bus to bedok int as i was lazy to walk to the 222 busstop.
reached bdk int, rushed to 222 stand as the bus came.
then, i smell the perfume[ correct ?] tat is so familiar !
it smell like irwan's.
& BAM, its correct, it was irwan.
yeah i sat infront of him.
we were like strangers lah eh.
then, all the memories rushing through my mind.

Alahai, HE came to school ! hahaha, for this week & next week. tulah, prelims hancur kan. niways, he dye his hair. can be seen from afar as i was walking to the parade square.

If ONLY thesedays, EVERYDAY could be like today.
i don't mind coming to school.


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