Friday, November 03, 2006

Jalan raya with friends 2006

us at cikgu marlina's house.

Jalan Raya with friends was extremely havoc but FUN.
we met a bit later than what we planned.
but it was gereks arhs.

1St house : MY HOUSE.

When they reached my house, all ate the Mee Goreng that MUM cooked & the fried Chicken too.
Everyone was hungry including me.
so everyone ate & ate. Hamaiza ate countless chicken wings. haks !
so at around 3.30pm, off we go to another house.

On the way to Atiqah's house.bawah block atiqah.
At atiqah's house, no pictures. HAKS !
everyone was busy eating kuih & drinking.
& the cornflakes tasted like POPCORN.
& so i ate like so much.
then off we go to another house.

3rd House : Farisya's House
Presenting Farisya, the princess batam. lolSheilah nak escape but failed, ooo, hazwan enjoying the marshmallow dipped in choco.
Farisya's house was FUN as there was LOTS & LOTS of screamings .
& that was because of COCKROACHES. dead & alive ones.
so under the block, we were screaming here & there.
at Farisya's house, there was a cat.
i was scared arhs including Hasanah & Huda.
then, here comes the CHOCOLATE FONDUE.
there was strawberries & marshmallow.
indeed, everyone ate & ate.

4th house : HAMAIZA'S house.Only took pic of my bun. lol
others were solat at ham's room.
so we took quite some time at ham's house.
& jannah sew up huda's shoes.
jannah's like a mom ok.
but she rescued huda's shoes before it gets worse.

5th House : CIKGU Marlina's house.He didnt move about, pushing me away when i carried him while he did that to the others. =Dsheilah nk grab ihsan from me, look at her eyes !
we were LOST going to cikgu's house.
cikgu live in a 3-storey terrace house mind you.
we took the wrong 359. haha.
so we decided to drop & take the taxi.
even some taxi driver did not know.
we took 3 taxis.
luckily huda's taxi know the place, so my taxi & hazwan's taxi followed huda's taxi.
on the way there, we saw amirah & the gang.
so, we just dun give a damn.
reached infront of cikgu's house, 3 taxis ok.
cikgu was shocked & said, "bagos jugak eh awk semue naik taxi"
haks !
sec 4NA were there, we went through the photo album.
Funny, & we all concluded that cikgu looked fierce.
hahaha ! & we got a chance to carry cikgu's kids.
they were all so cute i tell you.
sheilah was like, "grrrr, cuteeeeee. aku nkkkkkk !"
I carry ihsan & he was alright with me, no pushing all.
Hahaha !
then we ate macaroni, yummylicious.
we talked, laughed.
THEN we took pictures, oh they were so nice.
then minta maaf from cikgu. hahaa.
it was scary but a good way.
then off to another house.

6th House : Farhanah's house. Ok, what the hell was i doing ?sheilah looked like she wanna kiss the duck. LOLwhats wrong with SHEILAH ?Huda, its suppose to be PINK FAMILY. why you in the pic ?!?!The complete family. LOL
The druf addict version.
Farhanah's house was PICTURE TIME.
we were in her room, & all we did was SNAP SNAP SNAP pictures.
while atiqah,hasanah & huda was engrossed in watching ENCHANTED LIFE.
sheilah loved the DUCK, i dunno why. LOL.
then we ate nuggets & ice-cream.
it was yummylicous. hhahaha !
it was 10pm, & we all watched prison break.Hamaiza really engrossed in watching prison break.

& me toooooo !
& soon we all went home.

this is a super long post. lol.
the jln raya with friends trip was super fun even though theres only 11 of us.


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