Wednesday, August 02, 2006

emotional breakdown

I sat beside Shafiq for English today.
& i managed to seek help from him.
i finally understood now, Guys seem to keep problems to themselves.
i got a advice from him.
& his advice is the same as HAIROON NISHA'S.

Maybe we were not meant to be together,
maybe the feeling we had towards each other had lost.
& so i'm confused.
please give me an answer.
Dammit, Nisha is still pissed off with me.
i have decided, no matter how i'm tempted to slash my wrist,
i must remember that eating is MY way losing my sadness.
No matter what, food is MY way out, not slashing of wrist.
I know that Nisha, you will think that, " promise again, you will break your promise."
& so i'm asking for your help that you will STOP me from slashing.

i'm trying my best to focus on studies.
& get these shits done.

& she hopes that she died.
wtf !
leadinga fucking shit life !


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