Friday, July 28, 2006

that 1 whole week of torture .

Finally updating my blogggggggg.
i didnt have the mood to blog, i was stuck with research for my D&T Folio.
This week, met up with irwan go school for twice only.
the rest of the days,he was late for school. sheeeshhh.

i went to school with jannah today.
met up with her at the bridge & we were quite late.
how irritating it can be when you wanna walk down the class line saying,
"excuse me, hello, excuse me " to every boy.
you people are deaf or what.
& the most disgusting is some of them perspire like gila, until the whole uniform wet
& you hit him & kena all the sweat. ewwwwww

i got teased by ZAIMAH everytime i saw her.
its too bad for me as she is just 2 classes away at parade square & so she go teasing me.
alamak makcik, malu kau tahu tk ?*blushing*
Volleyball ROCKS today =]
we had Challenge.
so my team versus with Farshad's team.
its exciting & 1st game, the guys lost & so they had to do 5 push-ups.
i can't serve the ball above the mark ! XD
& i think irwan saw me while i was shooting that damn ball.
my contacts giving me a blur vision.
so didnt see quite clearly.

in overall, i LOVE volleyball game
& next week we will be playing rounders/Softball !=D
D&T test was a blast !
it was quite easy.weeeeeeeee !

upon hearing the phrase, "BAND PRACTICE",
*cut short*
i just dun wanna go !
ever since got scolded for the photocopy of the scores, i'm starting to hate band again.
damns its right !
how can you scold people when its not thier fault ?
senang2 aje marah org eh.
you think we dun have feelings is it ?
Mrs Quek gave me that BIG WIERD SMILE of hers to me.
even if i am the head librarian, i will rebel !
i just pray & hope its fadzil or yan chong whom will be the head librarian.

what wrong have i done ?
i was waiting & waiting for your messages.
but nothing i get.
i know i suck in consoling but i will try my best.
no matter what happens, i will be here.
& boy, i really do love you
& i miss you lots.

! its not over yet!


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