Saturday, July 08, 2006

rollerblading trip

haha, i decided to put nisha's pic right at the beginning ! hahas, dun she look very fierce ? hahas, it makes me laugh non-stop !

Went to ECP today with wahidah,shikif & amalina.
i waited for them for almost 30mins.
i finished drinking 1 regular pure chocolate from coffeebean then they arrive.
then straight go rent rollerblades.
$10 for 1 hour. EXPENSIVE !
so i was ready, just stood up, walk a few cm, I FELL !
infront of the people.
until the person in charge help me up & ask,"is this your first time rollerblading?"
i said," erm, yes yes"
she said," you need guards"
so she went to take them & i wore them.
& she taught me how to rollerblade. so kind of her !
soon off we go rollerblading.
a few metres away, i fell down AGAIN.
wahidah kept screaming like a mom," don't !!!!!!!!!!!!" when i almost fell.
& she goes," i'm telling irwan if you fall down ! !"
every hump i see, i will fall !
made a turn at costa sands resort.
& i manage to rollerblade over the HUMP !
i'm so proud & happy.
wahidah goes," you kental lah you"

saw uzair & his friend.
he looks different in real life than frindster pics.
wahidah screams," ABANG !!!!!!!!" when uzair push her i think
in total i fell 23 times.
omigoshhhhhh, thats a lot ok !
i sprained my knee.
if its getting worse tomorrow, think must see doctor then put on bandage.
& monday if mrs quek see, surely she will go,
"zulaiha, why never take care of yourself? band competition this saturday ! how can you go up the stage limping away ?"
wahhhhhhh dead !
here are the pictures :

concentrate not to lose my balance !
haha, she looks like a monkey wanna climb up a lamp, but i think she doing pole dancing.
i'm very envious that they can rollerblade really good !
manage to get a snapshot with my kental wahidah !
wahidah looks emo while i look like a retarded person. hahas
i was screaming, "ouuuuuucccchhhhhh" !
fell down again !
fell down AGAIN
concentrate zulaiha concentrate !
what the hell i was doing ? i was about to fall that time.

wahidah agreed that we will having rollerblading date again next time.
& she insist that irwan should follow.
shall wait & see kental cousin !

i wish you are here right beside me now.
to be able to hear your voice.
to be able to hear your naggings &
to be able to hear you disturb me.


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