Saturday, July 08, 2006

that song

received a song sent by jaslin.
tittle pirates of the carribean (concert band version)
heard it, nice lah !

can't imagine BGSS band will be TRYING to play tat piece.
well if you heard it, it sounds easy.
but if you see the scores.
wahhhhhhhhh, very difficult.
running notes, count melodies so difficult
wahh wahhh wahhh, sian sian.

my friend from other school was appointed as drum major.
shocking shocking ! !
haha, but congrats kiddo for becoming drum major =D

band graduation will be in august.
then we shall know who is the next band & drum major.
wild guesses.
top guesses for band major:
1. Joanne
2. Wei Yang
Top guesses for drum major:
haha, drum major guess could be correct.

Band Competition next week. ! dead dead dead
i'm confused by the choice i made.
hopefully i will never regret.


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