Thursday, April 28, 2005

Revision, shocked

kiez, for e last 3 days, stay back do, khairul, shariffa n nisha stay back...fuh was fun....well, yesterday sumtink happen....while stay back at pac, shariffa began to be moody...den me,khai n nisha were in pac rm...she went lyke nisha lyke cant help...she give help lyke not sincere...lyke e tone marah2...n shes with her nz stuff....khai cant go coz shariffa will be in e gals left wit i go....everytime she went off, i go wit her...i cried with her...den after all happen, she ask khai go....soo he went...den nisha was left....den i ask her go...she was standing tats y i ask her i gave her all my sharp stuff...after she went, i cried!!!! well, only shariffa, hasanah, sakinah n atiqah knoes...den wen i came back to e pac rm....i dunno wat nisha as doin...suddenly she ask me about tis message by fadli bout nz...

what the fuck!!!!!i should have trust her to hold me hp!!!!arghhh!!!so now all e secrets tat only me n fadli knoe have been found out by nisha!!wah lao...i was soo damn pissed off....but i didnt show it....den i became all moody, so i went hm with nisha! no choice...but she was ok...

today, nisha said to me " Kau tak sabarkan cikgu get out of this sch kan..."
i say back " ya!" i would rather her to love pz man...shes sooo diff now...a lot of peeps hate nz n y muz she love her??aiyah...aniway, its her life....den mly paper 1, okloh....den malay paper 3, ok ok my lucky day man, hehehx...early in e morning, saw irwan.....den after sch...saw him again!! recess clash wit e upper sec...i hate it...the canteen was full...arghh...well, nisha today tak nampak nz...kecian dier jugak arh...

tomorrow, english paper 1n2


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