Tuesday, March 01, 2005


hey hey hey.....
2day very tiring..morning got math....soo fun...coz the topic lyke 70% easy to understand...den literature, watch e animal farm vcd lyke a short while....boring!!den malay....nisha was lyke sooo happy..ahahx...den when in e malay room,nisha was lyke soo scared tat cikgu zetty never come...den we all waited2...den she nearly cry...den after tat cikgu zetty come,she was lyke screaming...happy....
den got english...no teacher come ..dunno y miss eng nvr come...den tat stupid idiotic daniel cari pasal...go ask peeps who change place to go back to thier ORIGINAL place...den i say politely "aiyah soo boring" den he lyke marah2..den i scold him "idiotic person"den he was lyke "wah wah" den nigel say "go write her name" den i say out loud" write arh,write"..den juz kept quiet..seriously,daniel tis year,step big...hate him...but not tat much lah...
den science,duh bored...arghh...den we do tis experiment, dunno lah..den the whole chers table n e e floor was wet wit e sucrose solution...ahahahx...we all fail e experiment except some...den geog....nothing much....2 say...den music...my grp go out n present about e albinoni....den okay liao...den go back class...den go out saw shikin den go disturb her...den after tat sufian was lyke coming n i purposely do tat..hahahx...den she was lyke soo shy...lolz...kecian...den got eng remedial.....no cher...bored...den rush home,take some stuff...den rush go swimming complex...clue...den got new fwenz , hahx sec 1 malay gals...den bump into my CLARINET JUNIOR...wahh...den become fwenz...

gtg bye!!


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