Wednesday, March 23, 2005

*soo fun*

heylo,long time nvr update liao...kk,today got the learning e morning,got english drama n games...den Ms Eng say" SEC 2/5 MUZ WIN ARH"Miss Eng support sec 2/5 leh!!!!Den got the BGSS Wheel of fortune,the hall was so noisy coz of the shouts n screams..den Sec 2/5 got e drama,den oklah...den the brainest kid watever,was lyke so fun...Nigel knew the geog questions most...den we got 2nd in place!!Den recess,clash with e sec 3,4,5....act normal...den go queue, den after that go art room, do kite..1stly bored but den quite fun arh...den stay back jap,play scrabble,nisha kept laughing n make me laugh...den laugh3 non-stop!!
gtg bye!!


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