Saturday, November 25, 2006

escape theme park with cousins


Escape Theme Park with cousins yesterday was FUN.
i enjoyed it lah.
we came there but it rained so we went to ARCADE first.
& saw a bgss student.

soon, the sun was out.
so, went back to escape & took rainbow.
yo, its was fun man.
followed by boat ride, hah, i love it !

VIKING was great but i was scared lah kays.
& i confessed that i cried.
wahidah & shikif were laughing at me.
nehmind, but i enjoyed it lah.

followed the little ones while the others took another ride.
i took roller coaster & ferris wheel with the little ones.

@ night around 7+pm, took boat ride with wahidah.
it was dark & we sang songs LOUDLY.
hhahahahah !
& i had to seat infront so it was scary lah !

followed wahidah & had dinner with them & faris.
hahahaha, funny lah.
laughed & the little ones talk like nonsense but it was funny arh
prata lah, sundae lah, order nasi ayam lah.

went arcade & i played parapara.
wow, it was great & i was ranked A, mind you.
wahidah kept smacking my ass.
& o ya, otw to the arcade, wahidah kick my ass.
& i kicked her ass back.
& thennnnn, FARIS somehow kicked her ass too.
LOL. thanks faris.
it was funny siah.
sry lah wahidah for the beatings all, but it was damn funny.

& now its, PICTURE TIME.

we looked like drug addicts somehow.
everyone was tired.

i love nabilah & she hold my hand tight when we took rainbow.

we are the big ones, waiting for boat ride.Drenched from head to toeI took ferris wheel with her.Dun mind my face, i nearly puke at that time.Drenched ahs.wahidah whats with the face?
They were the funny little ones.
they had this is FIVE. well, hes funny lah.
& if that penguin was given to him, i bet tat penguin's hair will be so bad.

WAHIDAH & FIVE, nice arhs !

thats my homeworks, ohgod, i will be rotting at home with them.
& sheilah farhanah, you miss my belo-ness & i miss taking CANDID SHOTS of YOU

i somehow miss SHINING STAR.
& i pity uzair.


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