Friday, September 15, 2006

Craps asshole !

About Uzair, i seriously got nothing to do with him.
ya, he sms-ed me, so i just reply.
i seriously dun have any feeling for him, k i know its kindda hurting but its the truth.
get it people ?

dengs lah !

3E4 2006 simply rocks.
Class photos were nice, extremely.
We got everyone to sign including teachers. haahaha.
Fun arhs, going round asking for autpgraphs. hahahaha.

didnt receive any good news these few days.
dengs, i'm trying to pay more attention to studies.
DENGS, 10 more days to EOY.

O ya, i realise something.
Sec 3 Express have different schedule exam for EOY than Sec 3 NA.

Sec 3 Express having exams on 29th September but Sec 3NA are not.
strange uhs !
why they make the timetable different ???????

This blog will be DEAD until further notice.
BUt i will post about the Singapore Idol yeahness.


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