Thursday, August 24, 2006

thanks ehhh

Thanks to AYIE, i had to do the quiz/survey. damns

1. Full name: Norzulaiha Bte Sapari
2. Name backwards: irapaS etB ahialuzorN
3. Were you named after someone?: errrmm. dunno. I heard my aunt named me.
4. Meaning of name: cahaya something somethiiing
5. Nickname: Zulaiha, Zul, Retard
6. Screen name: Ms.Retarded
7. D.O.B: 9 May 1991
8. Place of birth: KKH.
9. Nationality: singaporean

10.Current location: bedroom
11.Star sign: Taurus
12.Religion: Muslim
13.Height: 165cm
14.Weight: 45.5 kg. I THINK
15.Shoe size: 7
16.Hair color: black
17.Eye color: Black
18.Who do you look like: i like the teddy bear.
19.Innie or outtie: ERMMMM
20.Lefty or righty: Right
21.Gay, straight, bi or others: Straight
22.Best friends: Atiqah,Hasanah,Rusydiah,Huda,Sheilah,Nisha & lots more
23.Best friends you trust most: i trust all of them
24.Favourite pals: All of my friends
25.Best friend of opposite sex: HAZWAN !
26.Best buddies: listed in ques 22
27.Boyfriend or girlfriend: my gf are all those listed in ques 22. lol
28.Crush: chad micael murray. GOSHHH
29.Parents: Mr Sapari & Mdm Noraizha =D
30.Worst Enemy: the sun. hahah
31.Favourite online guy: Hazwan
32.Favourite online girl: Nisha
33.Craziest friend: Nisha, that laughing,joker bitch
34.Advice friend: HAIROON NISHA, NURHUDA .
35.Loudest friend: NURHUDA,JANNAH,ATIQAH
36.Person you cry with: erm none.
37.Person you laugh with: all my friends

38.Any sisters: yurps, 2 older sisters
39.Any brothers:Nopey
40.Any pets: NOPE

41.Any disease: none
42.Pager: never had one
43.Personal phone line:nope
44.Cell phone: yes
45.Lava Lamp: dun haf, but planning to have one
46.Pool or hot tub: both same to me
47.A car: when i pass my driving license ok.
48.Your personality: Ask my friends, they know me the best
49.Driving: not even a driving license.
51.Room: Messy
52.Whats missing: My Whiteboard.

53.School: Bedok green sec
54.Bed: double-storey bed.
55.Relationship with parents: Fine.
56.Believe in yourself: yes, sometimes
57.Believe in love at first sight: yes, sometimes
58.Good listener: sometimes
59.Get along well with parents: yes.
60.Save e-mail convos: sometimes

61.Pray: yes
62.Believe in reincarnation: i dunno
63.Make fun of people: sometimes
64.Like to talk on the phone: YES
65.Want to get married: bile ader jodoh

66.Like to drive: drive the racing car at arcade can ?
67.Motion Sickness: Sometimes
68.Eat stem of broccoli: ONCE
69.Eat chicken with fork: Yea
70.Dream in color: black & white sometimes.
71.Type with your fingers on home role: HUH
72.Sleep with stuff animals: i Sleep with TEDDY BEAR
73.Next to you: Digital camera. lol
74.On the walls of your room: Photo frames, certificates
75.On your mousepad: my mouse

76.Dream car: dunno
77.Dream date: Watch the sunset with me.
78.Dream honeymoon spot: I wanna go FRANCE
79.Dream husband or wife: A husband who is loyal to his wife & never fails to cheer her up.
80.Bedtime: Late
81.Under your bed: Another bed.
82.Single most important question: Buy sweets today ?
83.Bad time of the day: Morning !
84.Your worst fear: Allah swt.

85.The weather is: sunny day
86.Time: 12.09pm. i skipped school
87.Date: 24th August
88.Best trick did on someone: entah
89.Theme song: different genres lah

90.Hardest thing about growing up: to pass my exams. haha
91.Funniest experience: ALOT
92.Scariest experience: alot
93.Silliest thing you have ever said: Asam PEDAK
94.Most desperate and funniest thing i have done to get the opposite sex: errrrrrmmmm, terlupe
95.Scariest thing while you are with your friends: Lack of money
96.Worst feeling: feeling guilty
97.Best feeling in the world: Happy happy



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